Thinking of Becoming a Catholic or Completing Sacraments?
For Adults Thinking About Becoming a Catholic and/or
Catholics Who Never Received All of Their Sacraments
Sunday mornings from 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. October to June.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a comprehensive and dynamic Adult Education and Formation program whose primary function is to assist anyone who is exploring the possibility of becoming a Catholic as well as to assist Baptized Catholic adults who have never received the Sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation.
The program is additionally open to any Adult Catholic who would like to take advantage of some or all of the classes. (See section on Adult Education Programs.) Great for Catholics whose education in their Faith ended in the 8th grade (in particular parents who bear the responsibility of raising children in the Catholic Faith); Catholics who have difficulty or struggle with any aspect of the Faith; as well as anyone who has been challenged by others but does not have sufficient background to defend or explain the Catholic Faith.
For those receiving Sacraments, whose work situations and/or other challenges are in conflict with the Sunday classes, a dialogue with the coordinator can be set up to discuss your situation and explore options.
Peggy Clores imcon630@aol.com 516-317-1740 and
Chuck Ruppert
Each year on Holy Saturday during the Easter Vigil, thousands of are baptized into the Catholic Church in the United States. Parishes welcome these new Catholics through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).
Find out more information please contact the rectory at 516.931.4351 |