Religious Education Program
Welcome to Our Lady of Mercy Religious Education Program.  Religious Education Formation is a many year process in which families, the Religious Education Volunteers (Catechists) and the Worship Community of Our Lady of Mercy work and pray together so that our children might know they are loved by God.  The Catechists, using a structured curriculum work to pass on the beliefs and pious practices of the Roman Catholic Church.
Registration takes place in April, May, June. Late registrations accepted till Sept. 10th of each school year. Need information – contact Cathy or Deacon Ralph Elliott Colon at 516.681.1228.
Class Times


Grades K-5 Saturday  Session I 9:30 – 10:45 a.m.
    Session II 11:00 – 12:15 p.m.
Grades 6-8 Wednesday   7:00  –  8:15 p.m.
**Exceptional children – exceptional learning needs.  We will work with you to provide a learning environment for your child.
Religious Education depends on the work of parents and the generosity of parishioners.
We are always in need of teachers, hall volunteers, special events coordinators and helping hands.  If you have time, if you care about our young Catholics- do call Deacon Ralph Elliott Colon or Cathy.  We will find a “Job” that will be a blessing to you and the students.